Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random Weekend Stuff: a cool sunset, an uppity Cooper's hawk, and more of those bloomin' natives

Blue skies, mild to occasionally blustery breezes, and fall-like temperatures. All in all, a beautiful weekend here in La Cresta. Even got nippy last night, with some fog rolling in around 3am. And how do I know that? Because I had insomnia and also because all the windows were open, so I could literally smell the cool, damp air wafting through. We may get more of that fog again tonight - it's only 7:50pm but the temps have already dipped down to 60F.

On Saturday, high level clouds overhead created the perfect atmospheric foil for a cool sunset.

Lately, there's been a juvenile Cooper's hawk hanging around the bird feeders where all the hapless and generally clueless song birdies congregate.  This unruly teenage accipiter is obviously staking out the area for some easy pickings. Luckily, there are plenty of trees & shrubbage for his potential victims to scatter to.  These pix were taken this evening around 7:00pm. The Cooper's was perched on the oak tree above our pond, feathers tousled by the brisk late afternoon wind.

I know we're on the cusp of autumn when the California Fuchsias start putting forth their shamelessly crimson floral dispays. It's just driving all the hummingbirds absolutely nuts! A few of the monkey cultivars are also (surprisingly) reblooming.  Here are some shots of those bloomin' natives, all taken today.

'Richard's Red' Monkeyflower cultivar.

'Sunset' Monkeyflower Cultivar

'Ghostly Red' California Fuchsia (Zauschneria californica)

9/13/09 'Uvas Canyon' California Fuchsia     

'Route 66' California Fuchsia. RSABG Intro.


'Catalina' California Fuchsia

   Rose Mallow (Hibiscus lasiocarpa)

'Burgundy' Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis)

Chinese Chives (ok, they're not native, but just had to throw them in)


  1. RE: Sept. 11, 2009,
    Thanks for fotos of Ca. fuchsias: Catalina and UC Hybrid (same as Chaparral Silver?). We took out our front lawn and are planting it with natives. We bought these two at Native Sons growers last weekend but couldn't find good fotos. Enjoyed your blog. Think I'll check it out in the future.

  2. Hi there, Central Coast. I'm sure you're going to be very happy transforming your former lawn into a native garden paradise. UC Hybrid looks very similar to Chaparral Silver, but is (I believe) a different selection. When I took these photos of the CA fuchsias for this post, the lighting was bad and the winds were kicking up, so I wish they turned out better. But I'm glad you enjoyed the blog anyways!
