Sunday, April 25, 2010

Chovendo na Roseira

We had a cold snap earlier in the week. Low was around 37 degrees on Tuesday, 4/20, along with a fair amount of rain (just over an inch, according to our rain gauge). Rather unusual for this time of year in SoCal, but just right for a lovely rainbow.

4/20/10 View of rainbow from outside the kitchen door. 


  1. What a great view from your kitchen door even without that awesome rainbow. I take it that the rain was very welcome in your garden.

    Arleen I took some photos of wildflowers this week and was thinking that I would love to share them with you. If you click on my username it should bring you to the post.

  2. Rosie, I just left a comment for you on your wildflower post. Isn't it fun and rewarding to discover all the little gems that are native and so close to home? Your photos were lovely, as always, and I sure hope to see more of your wildflower pix in the future!
